jQuery : as Cross Browser Solution :: Basics
Javascript Basics |
jQuery is a framework which is built on JavaScript capabilities. So while developing your applications using jQuery, you should have understanding of below functions and other capabilities available in JavaScript.
This article would explain most basic concepts but frequently used in jQuery based applications.
Numbers in JavaScript are double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 values. They are immutable, just as strings.
Following are the valid examples of a JavaScript Numbers –
A string in JavaScript is an immutable object that contains none, one or many characters.
Following are the valid examples of a JavaScript String.
"This is hello String"
'This is hello String'
'This is "hello" String in JavaScript'
"This is 'hello' String in JavaScript"
A boolean in JavaScript can be either true or false. If a number is zero, it defaults to false. If an empty string defaults to false.
Following are the valid examples of a JavaScript Boolean.
true // true
false // false
0 // false
1 // true
"" // false
"hello" // true
JavaScript supports Object concept very well. You can create an object using the object literal as follows.
var employee = {
name: "james",
age: 20
You can write and read properties of an object using the dot notation as follows.
// Setting object properties
employee.name = "Bond" // <== Bond
employee.age = 40 // <== 40
// Getting default object properties
employee.name // ==> james
employee.age // ==> 20
Arrays |
You can define arrays using the array literal in javascript as below.
var x = [];
var y = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
An array has a length property that is used for iteration.
var x = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// Do something with x[i] or print it
Functions |
A function in JavaScript can be either named or anonymous. A named function can be defined using function keyword as below.
function named(){
// do some process here
An anonymous function can be defined in similar way as a normal function but it would not have any name. A anonymous function can be assigned to a variable or passed to a method as shown below.
var handler = function (){
// do some process here
JQuery makes a use of anonymous functions very frequently as below.
// do some process here
JavaScript variable arguments is a kind of array which has length property. Following example explains it very well.
function func(a){
console.log(typeof a, arguments.length);
func(); //==> "undefined", 0
func(10); //==> "number", 1
func("10", "20", "30"); //==> "string", 3
The arguments object also has a callee property, which refers to the function inside that is as below.
function func() {
return arguments.callee;
func(); // ==> func
JavaScript famous keyword this always refers to the current context. Within a function this context can change, depending on how the function is called.
$(document).ready(function() {
// this refers to window.document
$("div").click(function() {
// this refers to a div DOM element
You can specify the context for a function call using the function-built-in methods call() and apply() methods.
The difference between them is how they pass arguments. Call passes all arguments through as arguments to the function, while apply accepts an array as the arguments.
function scope() {
console.log(this, arguments.length);
scope() // window, 0
scope.call("james", [1,2]); //==> "james", 1
scope.apply("james", [1,2]); //==> "james", 2
Scope |
The scope of a variable is the place of your program where it is defined. JavaScript variable will have only two scopes.
- Global Variables - A global variable has global scope which means it is defined everywhere in your JavaScript code.
- Local Variables - A local variable will be visible only within a function where it is defined. Function parameters are always local to that function.
Within the body of a function, a local variable takes precedence over a global variable with the same name.
var myVar1 = "global"; // ==> Declare a global variable
function ( ) {
var myVar1 = "local"; // ==> Declare a local variable
document.write(myVar1); // ==> local
The Document Object Model |
The Document Object Model
The Document Object Model is a tree structure of various elements of HTML as follows.
<title>The jQuery Example</title>
<p>Paragraph1 is here.</p>
<p>Paragraph2 is here.</p>
<p>Paragraph3 is here.</p>
This will produce following result. Following are the important points about the above tree structure.
- The <html> is the ancestor of all the other elements; in other words, all the other elements are descendants of <html> .
- The <head> and <body> elements are not only descendants, but children of <html> , as well.
- Likewise, in addition to being the ancestor of <head> and <body> , <html> is also their parent.
- The <p> elements are children (and descendants) of <div>, descendants of <body> and <html>, and siblings of each other <p> elements.
Built-in Functions |
Built-in Functions
JavaScript comes along with a useful set of built-in functions. These methods can be used to manipulate Strings, Numbers and Dates.
Following are important JavaScript functions.
Method | Description |
charAt() | Returns the character at the specified index. |
concat() | Combines the text of two strings and returns a new string. |
forEach() | Calls a function for each element in the array. |
length() | Returns the length of the string. |
indexOf() | Returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, or -1 if not found. |
push() | Adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array. |
pop() | Removes the last element from an array and returns that element. |
sort() | Sorts the elements of an array. |
reverse() | Reverses the order of the elements of an array -- the first becomes the last, and the last becomes the first. |
substr() | Returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location through the specified number of characters. |
toLowerCase() | Returns the calling string value converted to lower case. |
toUpperCase() | Returns the calling string value converted to uppercase. |
toString() | Returns the string representation of the number's value. |
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