Category: MongoDB


MongoDB – Query Document 0

MongoDB – Query Document

After creating the collections and inserting documents, you can query the database to retrieve information. For example: In MongoDB, querying documents is done using the find() method. This method allows you to search for...

MongoDB – Insert, Update, Delete Document 0

MongoDB – Insert, Update, Delete Document

In MongoDB, documents are inserted, updated, and deleted from collections using simple commands. Below are examples of how to insert, update, and delete documents in MongoDB. 1. Insert Document You can insert a document...

MongoDB – Create Collection 0

MongoDB – Create Collection

Now that the database is created, let’s define some collections for the insurance company. For an insurance company, you might want to create collections such as: 4. Example of Creating Collections and Documents As...

MongoDB – Create Database 0

MongoDB – Create Database

In MongoDB, a database is created by simply connecting to it and using it. MongoDB will automatically create the database when you first insert data into it. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating...

MongoDB – Installation 0

MongoDB – Installation

MongoDB Installation Guide MongoDB can be installed on various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Below is a step-by-step guide for installing MongoDB on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 1. MongoDB Installation on...

MongoDB – Data Modelling 0

MongoDB – Data Modelling

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model, where data is stored in BSON (Binary JSON) format as documents within collections. This approach is different from traditional relational databases (RDBMS), which...

MongoDB – Comparison with RDBMS 0

MongoDB – Comparison with RDBMS

Here is the clear comparison between RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and MongoDB: RDBMS MongoDB Database Database Table Collection Tuple/Row Document Column Field Table Join Embedded Documents Primary Key Primary Key (Default key _id...