Given a singly linked list find the n-th node from the back.
Solution 1: Reverse the linked list and select the n-th node from the head of the linked list. Solution 2: Maintain 2 pointers n nodes apart. When the 1st pointer reaches the tail, the...
Data Structure
Solution 1: Reverse the linked list and select the n-th node from the head of the linked list. Solution 2: Maintain 2 pointers n nodes apart. When the 1st pointer reaches the tail, the...
B-star trees have better data structure and are faster in search than Binary trees, but it’s harder to write codes for B-start trees.
Enqueue is the process that places data at the back of the queue in data structure.
The isEmpty() member method is called within the dequeue process to determine if there is an item in the queue to be removed i.e. isEmpty() is called to decide whether the queue has at...
Data stored in a queue is actually stored in an array. Two indexes, front and end will be used to identify the start and end of the queue. When an element is removed front...
A Queue is a sequential organization of data in data structure. A queue is a first in first out type of data structure. An element is inserted at the last position and an element...
isEmpty() checks if the stack has at least one element. This method is called by Pop() before retrieving and returning the top element.
The pop() member method removes the value from the top of a stack, which is then returned by the pop() member method to the statement that calls the pop() member method.
It is push() method. Push is the direction that data is being added to the stack. push() member method places a value onto the top of a stack.
The symbol asterisk (*) tells the computer that you are declaring a pointer. Actually it depends on context. – In a statement like int *ptr; the ‘*’ tells that you are declaring a pointer....
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