About JavaSkool.com | |
javaskool.com website, hosted in year 2010, and is managed and owned by Anuj Verma, FROM INDIA. javaskool.com has no relationship, association or connection, whether directly or indirectly, with Sun Microsystems or Oracle Corporation or its affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and group companies (collectively referred to as Oracle). javaskool.com website has acquired its own independent goodwill, reputation and distinctiveness that are clearly separate and unrelated to Sun Microsystems or other products and services of Microsoft. javaskool.com website neither intends to nor offers any services, products, goods, software, etc belonging to Sun Microsystem and any reference or resemblance, direct or indirect, with Java, Sun Microsystem or its products and services is purely coincidental and is absolutely made in good faith. javaskool.com website is a world renowned website with tremendous online and web popularity having good Rank. javaskool.com has its own unique visitors, audience, viewers and readers, who clearly understand, appreciate and differentiate the distinction between javaskool and Java/Sun Microsystem brands, trademarks, products and services. |
Anuj is MCA with MCP,SCJP and OCWCD. He is Currently Sr. Project Manager of a company where people are from IT giant like Yahoo, Sun Microsystems, Cognizant Technology Solutions, HCL, CSC, Hexaware Technologies etc. And having 12+ years of experience in Software Development along with Retail & Corporate Training. |
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