Category: Scripting


Angular – First Application

To create an Angular project named insurance-ng-app with a welcome message, follow these steps: Step 1: Set Up Angular CLI Ensure Angular CLI is installed globally: Verify installation: Step 2: Create the Angular Project...

Angular – MVC Architecture 0

Angular – MVC Architecture

Angular follows a Component-Based Architecture rather than the traditional MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. However, it incorporates concepts similar to MVC by separating concerns into different layers. Here’s how Angular aligns with the MVC principles: Understanding...

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Angular – Project File Structure Hierarchy

The folder structure of a default Angular project, created using the Angular CLI (ng new), is organized for scalability and maintainability. Here’s an overview: a. src/Contains the application’s source code. b. app/Contains the core...

Angular – Installation 0

Angular – Installation

To install Angular, follow these steps: 1. Prerequisites 2. Install Angular CLI The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool to create, build, and manage Angular applications. 3. Create a New Angular Project...

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Angular – Features of Angular framework

The Angular framework is packed with robust features that make it a popular choice for building modern web applications. Here are the key features of Angular: 1. Component-Based Architecture 2. Two-Way Data Binding 3....

Angular – Introduction 0

Angular – Introduction

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google. It is widely used to build dynamic, scalable, and feature-rich web applications. Angular is the successor to AngularJS, with a completely...

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ReactJS – Creating Dashboard Page after login

To add a Main Page with a navigation menu that includes Dashboard (displays the welcome message) and Customer (takes customer details for insurance), follow these steps: Steps to Implement a. Dashboard ComponentThis component will...


ReactJS – Creating Login Page

Here’s how you can add a login page to your React application and display the welcome message after a successful login. Install React Router: b. WelcomePage ComponentCreate a file WelcomePage.js in the components folder:...


ReactJS – Creating a React Application

Here’s a step-by-step guide to create a simple ReactJS application for an Insurance Application with a welcome message on the first page: Steps to Create the Application 1. Setup React Application This will create...