Category: Object Relationship Mapping

How does hibernate code looks like? 0

How does hibernate code looks like?

Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); MyPersistanceClass mpc = new MyPersistanceClass (“Sample App”);; tx.commit(); session.close(); The Session and Transaction are the interfaces provided by hibernate. There are many other interfaces besides...

What is meant by full object mapping? 0

What is meant by full object mapping?

Full object mapping supports sophisticated object modeling: composition, inheritance, polymorphism and persistence. The persistence layer implements transparent persistence; persistent classes do not inherit any special base class or have to implement a special interface....

What is a meant by medium object mapping? 0

What is a meant by medium object mapping?

The application is designed around an object model. The SQL code is generated at build time. And the associations between objects are supported by the persistence mechanism, and queries are specified using an object-oriented...

What is a meant by light object mapping? 0

What is a meant by light object mapping?

The entities are represented as classes that are mapped manually to the relational tables. The code is hidden from the business logic using specific design patterns. This approach is successful for applications with a...

What does an ORM solution comprises of? 0

What does an ORM solution comprises of?

It should have an API for performing basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on objects of persistent classes Should have a language or an API for specifying queries that refer to the classes...

What is ORM? 0

What is ORM?

ORM stands for Object/Relational mapping. It is the programmed and translucent perseverance of objects in a Java application in to the tables of a relational database using the metadata that describes the mapping between...